Pilates is named after its inventor Joseph Pilates and is based on the idea that the mind plays a fundamental role in muscular and nervous systems’ balance
At the crossroads between West and East, the word 'contrology' summed up this method which is as simple as it is innovative: the mind can control muscle expenditure through the correct use of the breath.
We have selected for you a number of instructors who, in their own areas, represent a point of reference for this wellness discipline. They will give you a competent introduction to gentle gymnastics, designed to work on the 'core', to restore correct posture, greater flexibility and stretching capacity.
By practising Pilates you will gain benefits in terms of control and balance, increased strength and endurance, postural alignment and concentration, through to fluid movement and coordinated breathing.

YogaLates private studio lesson in Riva del Garda
Lake Garda - North coast - Riva del GardaThis discipline increases muscle strength and relaxes muscle tone at the same time

YogaLates outdoor private lesson at Lake Garda
Lake Garda - North coast - Riva del GardaBy practising yogalates, your muscles will be stretched, more elastic and stronger

Individual Pilates lesson in the studio with reformer
Lake Garda - West coast - PadengheWith this class you will acquire correct posture, better muscle stretching and greater flexibility and tone of the body

Outdoor walking workout session at Moniga del Garda
Lake Garda - West coast - MonigaA cardio class with a medium-soft intensity level, offered by a professional instructor